Ruler of my heart don't know why give permit to else
Robber of my soul n heart is the only we beg to rob
Where can you be? underneath the same blue sky
I wait patiently just only i'm sure you must be great
My heart cries out don't you know they need half one?
Pain inside coz create as one then split out
Where can you be? r u near r u far r u close?
I wait patiently just only i'm sure you miss me too
When you're alone going gets rough but i given time to enjoy this life
Comeback baby also want to go home soon dear
I've had enough tired of running
Make me a queen Raja ku
Happy again happiness everafter
Hear my cry n i wont let you sad again also
N ease my pain we carried this life with one
this one "ruler of my heart" really speak out for my present heart
really sweet n calming song as usually norah does.. enjoy it... s'il vous plait
*mon beau tu me manquez .. attente pour vous cheri